30-day Retreat
During the retreat, participants experience God’s invitations to be loved, reconciled and called to live in companionship with Jesus’ Spirit. This entails some type of sharing in Jesus’ passion, death and resurrection. The paschal mystery is tasted through the image of God, alive in the retreatant’s heart, being placed in dialogue with the experience of the Holy Spirit’s consoling activity in the Scriptures.
It is a mystery to be lived out in day to day faith following the retreat.
The Spiritual Exercises are a type of map for the human heart to follow in prayerful meditation and contemplation. To follow these exercises brings one into intimate contact with the risen presence of Jesus Christ who reveals the Father of all mercy and consolation. If the book called The Spiritual Exercises is read, the experience is dry, like reading a manual. To actually experience The Spiritual Exercises one must follow the guidance of a spiritual director who provides guidelines for a deeper encounter with God at work amid the inter-dynamic of human desiring. In the 30 day format the retreatant prays four to five hours daily and sees the spiritual director for an hour each day. Eucharistic liturgy is also celebrated on a daily basis.
View the brochure for more information.
July 2nd to August 4th
Location: Conference Center
University of St. Mary of the Lake,
1000 E. Maple Ave.,
Mundelein, IL 60060
Grateful to the generosity of benefactors we
are pleased to offer the rate for the 30-day
retreat: $3,800.
This includes all materials and the stipend for spiritual direction.