As we know, the pace of life does not often lend an opportunity to pause,
to listen more deeply, and to relish the goodness of what the Lord is doing in our hearts.
The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, whether in their full form or in its various abbreviated forms, provides for those of us who are laboring in the vineyard of the Lord,
a way to return to that inner font of grace - the in-dwelling Trinity laboring in our hearts for our salvation and for our glorification in Jesus.
Every July a team of trained spiritual directors, under the leadership of Fr. John Horn, SJ, offers the 30-day, 8-day, 5-day and 3-day forms of the Spiritual Exercises in Mundelein, IL.
Last summer, by the grace of God, over 60 retreatants (priests, deacons, religious sisters
and lay faithful) left the retreat with transformative encounters that deeply enriched their interior lives, healed and strengthened their vocational journeys, and multiplied the fruitfulness of their ministries.
This program is co-sponsored by Jesus Youth and Amoris Christi.
